Yoga Includes Me
because yoga is for everyone.
There is room on the yoga mat for everyone.
This is the fundamental understanding for
Yoga Includes Me.
Disability doesn’t mean someone can’t do yoga. As Jivana Heyman of Accessible Yoga says, “if you have a body and a mind, you can do yoga.”
Yoga Includes Me specializes in making yoga and mindfulness experiences available to people with Intellectual, Developmental, and Physical Disabilities.
My Why
Yoga Includes Me is inspired by those living and thriving with disabilities and disabling conditions.
“Sarah provides necessary softness in what can be a world of harsh yoga. She sees each student as an individual; helping them find a home on their mat. Sarah is authentic, inviting, and wise. Her group classes are affirming, joyful, and warm. Sarah’s teacher trainings are inclusive and insightful. ”
— Jocelyn, Charlotte, NC